Click on any date and title below to read the blog for that date.

Click here to view all archived blogs.

6/6/16: Introducing Birdy Bird Maps

6/6/16: Thoughts on trying Lew's reels

6/9/16: Explaining potential value of a newly-generated graphic for use in logs

To copy and paste the graphic referenced above, click here.

6/23/16: Recent data reveals higher than normal tides in the Baffin/ULM system

7/8/16: Testimonial on Sound Operating Principles

7/12/16: Dog Days Discounts Coupon offers special prices on products

7/24/16: Another testimonial on Sound Operating Principles

8/2/16: Review of two Lew's reels

8/15/16: Hot Weather Lessons

8/26/16: Check out this link to a user-friendly fishing weather map

8/28/16: Detailed response to a letter from a concerned reader

10/3/16: Potential effect of high tide on locating redfish

11/1/16: A new way of looking at the guide/client relationship (with coupon)

11/10/16: Description of new product....Captain Kev's Angling Academy

12/14/16: Coping with stupid-clear water

2/20/17: Introduction of Using Technology to Enhance Angling Efforts

4/25/17: Introducing Achieving a Tech-Savvy Angler

5/2/17: New description and pricing on Inshore Angler's Personal Trainer product

8/4/17: '18 book opens on 9/1

9/8/17: Lenscover eyewear helps me solve a problem

9/11/17: Soft Science shoes perform well

5/11/18: KastKing reels

6/21/19: Description of MicroSpots203 product

12/7/20: Images used in Grape Wars 2021 Calendar

5/27/21: Special offer on Comprehensive Aid to fishing Baffin and the ULM.2

5/31/21: Introducing the Online Angling Mentor product

6/25/21: About the 2021 Gill Net Surveys

6/30/21: Fixing a Common Problem in Google Earth

Click on the urls below for information on dam release rates on the SJ, Sab and Tri Rivers

Check out The Chupacabra Outdoors by clicking on this link:


Click here to view various lure packages and other items available for sale on the Classified Ads Page.

